Obafemi Owode LGEA visits, Amb. Ogunsola, Presents 2023 Cambridge Dedicated Teacher Award Winner. - CAVEAT TIMES


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Obafemi Owode LGEA visits, Amb. Ogunsola, Presents 2023 Cambridge Dedicated Teacher Award Winner.


Local Government Education Authority, Obafemi Owode paid a courtesy visit to the Council Boss, Amb. Ogunsola Adesina Lanre in his office.

Aim of the visit is to formally present Comrade Akeem Badru, the Award Winner of 2023 Cambridge Dedicated Teacher Award  by the Cambridge University Press and Assessment.
Amb. Ogunsola while addressing the delegation expressed his joy and felicitates Comrade Akeem Badru of St. Michael RCM Primary School, for setting a world record as the Best Dedicated Teacher out of over 11,000 nominations across the continents and also adjudged by the Cambridge judges, after chosen just 6 amazing teachers as the Regional Winners.

He further charged the Winner not to relent in his effort as reward for good work is more work. He therefore assured to lead the LGEA to present the Award Winner to His Excellency, Prince Dapo Abiodun CON in appreciation to the honour he has brought not only to Obafemi Owode Local Government but also to Ogun State, while a cash donation was presented to him by the chairman.

Earlier Hon. Chief Adeoye Olaseni, Executive Secretary, LGEA, appreciates the commitment of the council boss in providing conducive environment for learning by constructing blocks of classrooms at Agboopa and Leguru Communities which over the years has been a challenge to the affected community areas.

He also used the avenue to thank the council boss for appointing him and other LGEA Exco Board to oversea the affairs of the education sector in the council area.

Similarly, Comrade Akeem Badru, Award Winner of 2023 Cambridge Dedicated Teacher also expressed his appreciation for the warm reception accorded him and his people. He explained that it is an homecoming for him as he hailled from Obafemi Owode Lg area. He then  promised to uphold his interest in teaching profession and hope for more achievements in future.

Chief Kayode Dipeolu, Secretary to Local Government, in his parting shot assured the visitor of earliest presentation of the award winner to the State Governor in Oke mosan.

Others in attendance at the meeting includes, Hon. Titus Olusesi, Vice Chairman, Mr. Fatai Ogundele, Head of Local Government Administration among others.

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