
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I, Amb. Adesina 'Lanre Ogunsola, FCPA, Executive Chairman, Obafemi Owode Local Government,  on behalf  of the entire good people of the local government, hereby felicitates our pragmatic Governor, His Excellency, Prince Dr. Dapo Abiodun, CON on your 64th Birthday which destined by Almighty God to coincide with one year in office of another remarkable second term in the history of our dear State and Nation as a whole.

We wish you all round success as you continue to steer the sheep of Gateway State to a greater heights with our collective efforts.

 Omo oba amororo bi ileke, Iperu Akesan baale oja,ride on sir.

Amb. Ogunsola Lanre Adesina
Executive Chm, Obafemi-Owode LG

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