Political Thugs Attack, Kill Ogun Civil Servant Over Alleged Refusal To Reveal Government Confidential Information - CAVEAT TIMES


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Political Thugs Attack, Kill Ogun Civil Servant Over Alleged Refusal To Reveal Government Confidential Information

Tragedy struck in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital today as suspected political thugs attacked and killed staff of the Ministry of information and Strategy, Kolawole Demola Taylor.

The victim, according to eyewitness was ambushed at the Kuto area of the capital city while coming from his Oke-Mosan's office.

The female eye witness, said that the hoodlums after stopping the victim's car, dragged him out of the car and attacked Mr Taylor with  knives and cutlasses.

She said the political thugs while attacking Mr Taylor were saying that the victim failed to leak some vital information at the ministry to them.

According to the eyewitness " The thugs first stop his car and  drag him out and start beating and hitting him with canes, clubs, and broken bottles. He was left in his blood before they ran away in their car".

The victim, according to the eyewitness was left in his pool of blood, revealing that onlookers rushed the victim to a nearby hospital but was declared "Brought in Dead".

Investigation by a reporter, revealed that a similar occurrence happened at the ministry where staff were threatened to release classified information to the public.

Our reporter gathered that, a staff and Higher Executive Information Officer, Lemboye Lukman stopped on his way home while coming back from office, following threats of attack after he refused to leak Information of the government to opposition.

It was also gathered that before Lemboye left his  job, he had reported the matter to the authorities of the Ministry but all to no avail.

Findings revealed that the incident has put the majority of the  staff in a panic mood because of fear of the unknown.

Someone who spoke to our reporter on the condition of anonymity, said the Ministry would continue to lose its best hands if the threats continue among the civil servants.

They however called on the State government to find a lasting solution to the matter.

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